Thursday, July 21, 2011

Naming the baby

Our child has no name.  Not even an inkling of a name.  It's really terrible.  By this time with #1 we had a list of potential names - and we both had the same list.  With #2 we had a name.  Not this time.  Nothing.  Nada.

Both Mr. Hedin and I have spent time online looking for names that would work.  The problem is two fold:

1. It has to "go" with Lars and Pearl.  Which sort of means we are looking at 1950's and 1960's names.

2. It has to go with our last name.  Which I think you are probably mis-pronouncing right now.  You say it "Huh-dean."  Yep, not what you were thinking at all.  I grew up having to correct people on both my first and last name and I don't want my kids to have to do that.

So far we have had one name that appeared on both of our lists, but it's not at the top of either one of our lists and there is no "long" name - it's basically a nickname...

I've been looking to other moms - especially those with more than a few kids - to see how they have named their kids.  Some make it seem so simple.  Others openly talk about the pressure and frustration of naming a child.  The poor thing has to live with this name their whole life - I don't want to stick them with something too juvenile, weird or trendy.

Did you know that in 1979 more than 600,000 people were named Jennifer?  And in 1980 that dropped to 400,000 people?   That's more than one million girls with the same name over a two year period.  I'm pretty sure I went to school with entire classrooms full of Jennifers - I don't want to do that to our child.  Our last name isn't good enough to be referred by it exclusively.

Do you have children?  How have you named them?  We're open to suggestions...

photo by Jeff Hobson


  1. first off, i'm a jennifer, and without realizing it at the time, we did the same thing to our son, jackson. i was going with a family name, apparantly a bunch of others thought it was a great idea too.

    and we're expecting and can only come up with one name for a girl, and it's a nickname, too, no longer name.

    i say scour your ancestry, make a whole new list, and see where that takes you. if all else fails, have five ready and wait until delivery. sounds scary, but maybe the name will jump at you!

    good luck, looking forward to hearing your decision, love your other names!

  2. Thanks! My sister went through our ancestry today so I think we may have a few more options... I love the name Jackson. Love!

  3. A fun idea that I've heard of - I didn't do it personally, but is to combine two names. So, your middle name with your husband's middle name. Or both grandpa's first names. You get the picture. My best friends parents did this. They took their middle names: Brady and Lynn, and came up with Braylyn. Pretty sweet girl name if you ask me! Plus, it has some fun meaning.

  4. Are you guys having a boy or a girl? Sorry..I probably missed that somewhere back. I've always love love loved the name Piper or Pepper. My husband I can't use them because well...Piper Powell? Yeah, I don't think so. ;)

  5. We are having another boy - and we've already been through that list of names and aren't wild about what's left...

  6. I always wanted Axel but Brad would never let it happen if we would of had a boy, so I have been sharing it with all my friends it. I also love Kaj or Kai. I hope you are surviving the last few days of pregnancy. At least you are not having to deal with any heat, but some sun would be nice!

  7. I actually kind of dig the name Axel. But with how small and thin my other two kids are, I worry about too 'tough' of a name. Magnus was on the list too - but talk about pressure to be a big weightlifter!

  8. Magus was on our list too, I also like Finn a lot. Names are so hard. Lola was Elsa forever and it was a last minute hormonal name choice. I had a little name remorse but she totally fits it now. I say if you like it don't worry they always grow into it!

  9. I have three children. Since I married a man from Ireland their names had to be Irish....but, I also wanted names that people could pronounce. So we have a Norah, Finn and Aidan. Good luck with #3!

  10. I love the name Finn! But Finn Hedin sounds TERRIBLE! We're closing in on it, I think...
