Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy (-ish) Hour Friday ::

In these last few weeks of my pregnancy I thought I'd share a few of the cocktails that have gotten me through.  I realize the pathetic-ness of admitting that I really love a good cocktail at the end of the day.  But for the rest of the mothers who stay at home all day answering questions about poo and folding laundry, you know what I mean.  Nothing tastes better than a glass of wine or a g&t at the end of the day.

For the last nine months, that has been off the table.  In the mean time, I have found a load of various mocktails that have stood in place of my usual.

Today's is a refreshing summer beverage that I highly recommend for sitting on the back porch while your husband enjoys a cold beer.  It's quite refreshing.

A Sparkling Pink Lemonade

2 parts pink lemonade
1 part tonic water

Pour over ice and garnish with a wedge of lime.

Other tips :: 
- Accessorize your cocktail - a straw, a wedge of something, umbrellas, you name it, add it.  Believe me, it helps 
- Change up your glassware.  Try your mocktail in a martini glass, a highball, or even a champagne glass.  Keep it interesting.
- Don't be shy about using a cocktail shaker.  Just the sound adds a little something to a relaxing cocktail hour.

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