Friday, June 24, 2011

Craft It :: Metropolitan Market Pin Magnets

Did you know it's Metropolitan Market's 40th Anniversary this month?  They have packed in all kinds of events and also a pin give away.  Everyday, for 40 days, they are giving away a different pin.  I have collected many of them - it's a really good reason to *have* to go to the grocery store.

The problem is, I'm not totally sure what to do with a huge pile of pins.  What I do need is more magnets.  Which leads us to...  Pin Magnets!  They are beyond simple.  Truly.  But I made a little video because I'm practicing my skills at video making.  It does show you how ridiculously easy this project is, so if you have a stack of pins somewhere, you now know what to do with them.  Have fun!

:: You'll need :: 
Magnet Backs (the stronger the better!)
Wire Cutters
Glue gun + hot glue

Step 1 :: Remove pin working parts with the wire cutters.
Step 2 :: Glue magnet onto pin back.
Step 3 :: Hang up stuff on the fridge.

Beyond easy.

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