Monday, July 11, 2011

Celebrate :: A really fun Bridal Shower

This weekend my mom and I hosted a really fun bridal shower for a very good family friend.  Our mothers were college roommates and have remained good friends ever since.  The bride and I grew up together doing silly things and just having fun.

The shower was an homage to the silliness that has constantly been a part of all of our lives.  We started at my mother's house with a lovely delicate shower with crab cocktails, gorgonzola apricots, and mimosas.  It was very lady-like and lovely.  Until - we revealed everyone had to make a veil to wear...  and we brought out a vintage store bridal gown for the bride to put on.

She is a great sport and, not only put on the dress, but posed on my parent's staircase while we took pictures of her "gown."  We then paraded from my parent's house to my house where the rest of the party took place.

At my house we hung curtains of painted canvas, pink streamers, chinese lanterns, and had a full bar set up serving Singapore Slings, Two Mountain's Chalk Art Rose, Strawberry Lemonade, and Peach White Grape Juice.  Thank goodness the sun came out and gave us perfect weather to sit out on the back patio and enjoy it all!

My house also had tons of food including Baked Eggs Benedict, Vegetable Strata, Blueberry Feta Tossed Salad, and Brown Sugar Meringues with strawberries.  Recipes to come soon...

When you love to go over the top (like my mother and I do) it's fun to have guests of honor who truly understand the effort of going over the top.  These ladies do.  They had so much fun - and were so adorable and appreciative that it drives us to continue to plan over the top (OTT in our family) events and share them with you.

I'll post more photos when Jeff shares his with me - and I have a few tutorials for some of the fun crafts I made for the day.  Plus, below are the resources so you can find and recreate what we did!  Happy Summer!  Happy Wedding Season!

Chinese Lanterns :: Cost Plus
Beverage Dispensers :: Pottery Barn
Personalized Napkins :: For Your Party
Rose Wine :: Two Mountain Chalk Art Rose
Singapore Sling Recipe

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